96 Hour Food And Medical Kit
Submitted 7 years 7 months ago by feeds_user.
This 96 Hour kit is the perfect be ready for anything supply you will ever need. Made with high quality watertight, crush-resistant and dust proof case to protect in in any situation, especially an earthquake. It also includes EMT grade medical equipment and a 96 hour supply of food for 4 people!
Case Contains:
10 packs of Valley Food Storage 25 yr shelf life food, Cooking Stove, Fire Puffs Firestarter with magnesium striker, 4 Solar blankets, Cylume Light, Seychelle Water purification Bottle, Whistle.
Med pack with OTC meds, Bandaid Pack with knuckle bandages, fingertip bandages, straight bandages, steri strips, large patch bandages, alcohol wipes, betadine wipes, antiseptic wipes, triple antibiotic ointment, hydrocortizone cream, sting swabs.
(2) coban, Ace Bandage, 8x 10 trauma dressing, 5 x 9 trauma dressing, Kerlix, Cling Gauze, 36″ stat splint, Dyna stopper compress, Cat 5 tourniquet, Israeli combat dressing, Quick Clot, Wound Seal Vial, Wound Seal with Applicators, (2) instant Ice Wraps, Arnica Oil, (10) 3 x 3 gauze pads, (10) non adherent pads, Foreign Object Removal Kit, Burn Free Face Dressing, Burn Free 4 x 4 dressing, Burn Free 4 oz bottle.
4 oz buffered eye wash, (2) 1/2 oz eye wash saline bullets, (4) eye cups, (2) wound flush, 2 oz antiseptic spray, Irrigation Kit,
All medical supplies are organized into color coded removable pouches for quick and easy ability to find needed supplies. Organized by bleeding, burns, trauma, ointments and creams, Sprains and Strains, etc.
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